Tuesday, August 12, 2008

FROM WCP: LL Campaign Finance Roundup: Four Weeks to Primary Day!

From the Washington City Paper. To view the entire article click HERE.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make a donation to a challenger's campaign!!! They need your support! Barry obviously has the "good ole boys club" in his pocket! Please donate in particular to the Charles Wilson campaign - Charles and his campaign (red and white signs) has the most visible presence in Ward 8 at this time even with limited campaign contributions. Charles should be able to attract the young professionals vote. Regardless of your choice for candidate please DONATE to their campaign. Show that you support him or her with your time and/or money!

To donate to a campaign click HERE.

Marion BarryIn: $87,850 ($196,395 total); Out: $119,269 ($194,192 total); Debts/Loans: $0; Cash on Hand: $2,203

The Skinny: A Marion Barry council campaign, if nothing else, is an opportunity to give back for all those opportunities given in the past. Consider the many thousands donated by concerns that got very rich during the Barry mayoralties: for example, the accounting firm Thompson, Cobb, Bazilio & Associates, or Chartered Health Plan, both associated with Barry acolyte Jeffrey Thompson and both benefiting from millions in city contracts. Or take R. Donahue Peebles, who’s become a millionaire many times over as a hotel developer thanks to Barry. Now based in Florida, he donated $2,000 though various Florida-based business concerns. Some other fun names: Former Ward 1 Councilmember Frank Smith ($100), PR consultant and former Barry aide Raymone Bain ($500), schools construction czar Allen Y. Lew ($200), lobbyist and council candidate Michael A. Brown ($100), and megalawyer Donald Temple ($250). Who’s benefitting from all this largesse? Paid consultants Hakim Sutton, Sandy Allen, Joe Ruffin, and Andre Johnson, as well as a favored cause of the Barry campaign: the Marion Barry Scholarship Fund, which won a contribution of $5,000. (Notably absent from the list: son Christopher Barry, who had been paid last reporting period and has been listed as treasurer on campaign materials.)

Sandra “S.S.” SeegarsIn: $7,273 ($19,772 total); Out: $4,351 ($5,799 total); Debts/Loans: $0; Cash on Hand: $13,974

The Skinny: S.S. knows how to throw a party: The bulk of Seegars’ fundraising this cycle—just over $5,000—came from mass collections and ticket sales from what’s listed as a “Party/Dance.”

Charles WilsonIn: $1,035 ($3,045 total); Out: $625 ($6,509 total); Debts/Loans: $0; Cash on Hand: $410

The Skinny: Judging from the size (small) and provenance (out-of-District) of most of his donations, Wilson’s on the friends-and-family plan when it comes to fundraising. Most of his spending this period was on a single newspaper ad.

Reports for Howard Brown and Ahmad Braxton-Jones had not been posted by last night."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Say what you want about Charles Wilson and his "friends and family plan" when it comes to fundraising but considering all the poltical agenda, back door deals and corruption I embrace a candidate who is raising money the HONEST way - from the PEOPLE not from entities with an agenda. What else is the explanation for a drug addict and felon recieving the most campaign contributions?

I wonder.