Thursday, August 21, 2008


They say a picture is worth a thousand words...

A sharp eyed resident took this picture this morning at the Anacostia metro stop. Says the eagle eyed resident,

"Charles Wilson and his volunteers have been campaigning and waving signs at this [Anacostia] metro stop for at least two weeks every morning. Today Marion Barry supporters arrived (late and disorganized) and tried to drum up some support for the ailing councilman. They must be REALLY, REALLY desperate. Marion Barry showed up later and stuck it out for a little bit before throwing in the towel. Funny thing is that this only worked in Charles Wilson's favor. Motorists began honking their horns for Charles and waving signs for him. It also illustrated the difference in the two campaigns. The grey haired set that is the Barry supporters vs. the youth and vitality of the Wilson campaign. Wouldn't be surprised if this swung some votes to Charles - just from people who don't like Barry."

Par for the course when dealing with Marion Barry. It must be really tiring "fighting for the people" - that must be why he can't come up with his own campaign ideas!

UPDATE: Found out that one of Barry Supporters was none other than past Barry challenger and criticizer Sandy Allen! Very odd that they would be working together considering that at one time Sandy accused Barry of voter fraud. Et tu Sandy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...