This evening I attended the Ward 8 candidate review hosted by the Fair Budget Coalition held at the Thurgood Marshall Academy in Anacostia.
I would like to say that the entire meeting was an example of public service at it's best. Instead it was yet another example of why Marion Barry and all his misguided cronies need to be banished to a deserted island with no food (perhaps then they would be forced to eat him).
In typical community meeting fashion the meeting got off to a late start but by 6:45 most of the candidates that were expected to attend had arrived.
Those candidates for the Ward 8 council seat that were in attendance:
- Ahmad Braxton-Jones
- Yavocka Young (running as an independent Democrat)
- Charles Wilson
- Darell Gaston (running as an independent)
- Howard Brown (thought he had dropped out)
- Marion Barry (showed up over an hour and 15 minutes late -wish he would drop out)
- Sandra Seegars (showed up over two hours late -should drop out and support another candidate)
If this was a movie (jury is still out on whether this would be a comedy or a drama) your major roles would be played by:
Ahmad Braxton Jones as "The Preacher"
Yavocka Young as "The First Lady"
Charles Wilson as "The Hero"
Darrell Gaston as "The Optimist"
Howard Brown as "The Funny Sidekick"
Marion Barry as "The Evil Wizard"
(supporting roles played by Barry Supporters as "The Moonies")
Sandra Seegar as "The Enforcer"
The event started on a positive and professional note. The moderator, Denise Rolark Barnes, publisher of The Washington Informer was professional, inviting and informative. Another example of what community meetings in Ward 8 COULD BE without Barry. In keeping with the seriousness of the event and showing their respect for their host and the audience the on time candidates (Braxton-Jones, Young, Wilson, Gaston, Brown) were all dressed professionaly and behaved accordingly.
About 15 minutes into the event during opening comments the first of many Barry (allegedly unpaid) supporters (aka "The BS Crew")trickled in decked out in their typical "Barry For Ward 8" green and white t-shirts. Despite their leader still being a big no-show you could just feel their animosity - it was palpable. Much like their self professed "savior" they were old and out of touch - in sharp contrast to the youth and vitality to the Ward 8 candidates and the vast majority of the audience. Despite all their animosity and aggression one couldn't escape the fact they were looking at the last of the dying breed of Barry supporters - unable to even entertain the possibilities of a better tomorrow. When they say "misery loves company" they were talking about your Barry supporter. They need him just as much as he needs them to continue the cycle of disfunction. Heaven forbid if positive change were to come via a NEW leader - they would probably explode from the realization they have been hoodwinked (or underpaid) for years.
During his opening statement, Ahmad Braxton Jones described his many years of service working with "hard to reach" youth. Howard Brown used his enthusiasm to discuss his goal of reaching a 100% graduation rate (in truth this would be his go to catch phrase for the evening). Darrell Gatson touted his need for more than just change and wrapped up his speech by reminding everyone "I am Ward 8". Charles Wilson was able to introduce himself as a relatively new resident but an active resident with a proven track record of success wrapping up with a tie in to his "We Set The Tone" campaign platform. Yavocka Young described her 15 years of service in Ward 8 including two terms as ANC Commissioner and on the DC preservation team.
With all this talent, youth and vitality campaigning for his seat it was glaringly obvious the contempt, disregard and cockiness that IS Marion Barry. He doesn't show up (in this case on time) because he doesn't have to (in his mind anyway).
Enter more loud and disruptive Barry (allegedly unpaid ) supporters. Noisy and disrespectful. They made no pains to even respect those in attendance even candidates answering questions. Traipsing in and out of the room, talking and campaigning ever so blindly for their savior. At one point (and their would be several) the moderator had to stop the event to address disruptive Barry supporters and as would be a theme throughout the night advise them of the proper way to behave. You could see his campaign manager constantly fussing about, coming in and out of the auditorium chattering away nervously on the phone. Pleading perhaps for the great man himself to make an appearance. By far the most qualified and best overall candidates were Yavocka Young ( and Charles Wilson ( Not only did both of them have the "look" of success but had the credentials and good intentions to back it up. For all intensive purposes the forum illustrated how far beyond the other candidates (most of all Barry) were in comparison to Young and Wilson. Braxton-Jones, Gatson and Brown all had good intentions (and their
community actions to date trumped the current councilman in spades). All would definitely offer something sorely need in Ward 8 -vitality but they were not the best OVERALL candidate - at least in this point in time.
Questions posed to the candidates ranged from housing to economic development and both Young and Wilson were able to stay on task and answer the questions directly without any of the standard rhetoric.
A highlighting moment in the candidate question period came when Charles Wilson ( actually referred to himself as "your next Ward 8 Councilman". Despite the expected grumblings from the Barry peanut gallery one could actually see him at that very moment as the next Ward 8 Councilman. Not only was he the first (and only) candidate to dare state his true intention of being the next councilman he said it with such bravery and ease (even when faced with the Barry brat pack) that one could easily imagine him as the next councilman. That is what set him apart from Yavocka who without a doubt is one of those wonderful Ward 8 treasures and resources that should be utilized to the utmost. Yavocka would make an excellent addition to any person or group looking to make positive changes in Ward 8 but Charles Wilson had that..."something" that great people always seem to have. Not to mention that with Yavocka being knocked off the September primary ballot ( thanks to the successful petion challenge introduced by Sandra Seegars) only adds a challenge to her already struggling campaign that we just can't afford.
Yavocka and Charles would make an excellent team (hence her casting as the "first lady") but Charles with his "We Set The Tone" platform and his continued promises to "develop and utilize the vast talent within Ward bring out the talent from within" would be most likely to work with Yavocka or anyone for that matter. Charles was great because he freely admitted that he did not know ALL the answers (at least right now) but he wouldn't be afraid to seek the counsel of anyone who would.
More candidate questions and more candidate answers.7:41pm. More Barry (allegedly unpaid) supporters. Late, rude and rowdy.
Another highlight. Ahmad Braxton-Jones displayed a magazine from 1986 with Marion Barry on the cover with a title along the lines of (don't quote me here) "Marion Barry - What Went Wrong". It was hysterical yet illuminating at the same time.
PART 2: WHEN THE SAINTS DON'T COME MARCHING IN 7:43PM. MARION BARRY HAS ENTERED THE BUILDING! (DAMN! I had $20 riding on him being a total no-show). Barry arrives in the much the same fashion as his career of late - not entirely clean, a bit unkempt and too little too late. In short, he looked tired. He was dressed more fitting for a back alley than a candidates forum. While his (allegedly unpaid) supporters cheered and rallied (our saviour has arrived) the few serious candidates seemed non plussed - obviously they were forewarned of the shenanigans that were soon to come.
Despite his very late arrival (claimed he had two prior meetings to attend-ha) and general disregard for the entire process he was allowed to give an opening statement (translation: hijack the entire event). During his opening statement he was both condescending and manipulative. The Marion Barry show of "Smoke and Mirrors" had begun.
Insert more questions and answers. Insert Mary Cuthbert (she of the "white trash"infamy) heckling Charles Wilson constantly (another example of how evil will never die). More Barry (allegedly unpaid) supporters doing everything but falling to their knees in gratitude to the great man or throttling the competition, more weaker candidates (sorry Howard Brown) allowing themselves to be worked by the man himself. Unaware that with every head bob and goofy grin those candidates were playing ever more into the hands of the great Barry machine. Yet another carefully choreographed photo op. Barry doesn't even put forth the effort to have more than one face. He will grin slyly in your face (sorry Howard Brown and Darrell Gaston) with that type of condescension and smugness reserved for one that knows that regardless of what he may say (and hasn't he said it all) he really doesn't consider you anything other than a vote splitter. Just another tactic to keep the Barry gravy train flowing8:13PM Sandra Seegars arrives with what one can only describe as "sunglass wearing hitmen with fliers". As the night wore on and the hitmen called MB on his BS they became "WONDERFUL sunglass wearing hitmen with fliers".
Sandra arrived with an explanation that she was at a vigil for yet another senseless murder in the streets of Ward 8 (I wonder how MB would spin this as another MB success story). "SS" brought her usual brand of straight talk with NO apologizes. She was mad and she had no problem saying such. Sometimes you got to love Sandra Seegars. Don't want to elect her as Councilperson but you got to appreciate her calling BS out for what it is. With all her quirks and disdain for new people moving into the ward believe it or not there is a place for SS in the NEW Ward 8 - just not at the top.
Closing arguments. Please hold laughter (or tears) til the end.
The Marion Barry "keys to success" as told BY Marion Barry FOR Marion Barry.- Proven track record (go with the devil you know)
- Person of (in) action
- Always fighting for the people (who know how to grease the Marion Barry wheels)
- Ward 8 transformation (from bad to worse)
Howard Brown - couldn't really tell what he was saying with all the "shucking and jiving" he was doing for MB. Howard, have you ever considered that the real reason MB encouraged you to run was because you would be yet another unsuccessful candidate that would only split the vote and increase his likelihood to be reelected? Do us all (yourself included) a favor and withdraw from the race and apply your enthusiasm and good intentions for a candidate that would take you and the entire ward seriously. Howard Brown has the type of enthusiasm that Ward 8 is so desperate for it would be great to see it applied in a more constructive manner.
Darrell Gaston - Thanked MB for his service but very eloquently pointed out that MB was first elected in 1978 and it is now 2008 and Ward 8 was in desperate need for some "new blood". Insert Barry (allegedly unpaid) supporters going wild and crazy at the very notion that anyone could replace the great MB -even in death one can imagine his supporters clutching at his dead body willing it to reanimation. Gaston closed with an excellent line, "Marion Barry may have given you your first summer job but I want to give you your first career". Although Gaston is a bit young and inexperienced it would be great to see where he is in 5 years. Great things will come of this young man. Another example of a candidate with a good heart and good intentions but with bad timing. Again would recommend that he resign from the race and join the support for a single candidate against the Barry machine.
Sandra Seegars - was refreshingly honest and justifiably riled up. Called out Marion Barry for what he was (a lost cause) and his (allegedly unpaid) supporters for what they were (patrons of a lost cause). By far the best quote of the evening came from Seegars when she shouted, "WE HAVE THE WEAKEST GOVERNMENT IN DC AND YOU PEOPLE KEEP ELECTING HIM. YOU ALWAYS COMPLAIN BUT YOU KEEP ELECTING HIM!" At this point the Barry (allegedly unpaid) supporters went ape sh*t and SS gave it right back to them telling one of the most uncouth BS (Barry Supporter) to "shut up". Actaully thought a fight was about to break out (had $20 bucks riding on that one too). While one applauds SS's refreshing honesty and straight to the point actions she just is not what Ward 8 needs. We need a NEW and IMPROVED Ward 8 image. You can't always use a hammer to open a peanut. We need more finese in Ward 8. A more "professional" image. Sandra should really align herself with either Yavocka or Charles (most likely Charles) and drop out of the race. I am sure there will be a place for Ms. Seegars in the new councilman's office. Her heart IS in the right place.
Charles Wilson - Almost tearing up with emotion he said simply but forcefully "Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of change. We CAN do it together. WE set the tone." It is not just a catch phrase with Charles you can see he truly believes that the success for ward 8 lies WITHIN ward 8. Another reason why he is an excellent choice as our next Ward 8 Councilman. He truly believes in the people.
Yavocka Young - Informed everyone she was running as an independent democrat in the November election, her website, Key comment -"We can't keep doing the same thing expecting a different result".
Ahmad Braxton- Jones - "What is the root cause for change? Leadership and we need NEW leadership".TOMORROW: THE BARRY STOPS HERE OFFICIAL WARD 8 COUNCIL ENDORSEMENT
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